Wedding vows are the perfect opportunities for anyone and everyone with even the smidgeon of creativity to craft something extra special for that extra special someone.. that too in front of an audience comprising of almost everyone you know. So how do you make your wedding vows stand apart from the rest and be simply the best? Here is a rundown of the Top Ten Wedding Vows Idea”s to help set your prose and poetry talents into motion:-
10. Formal Wedding Vows
Classy. To the point. And the most safe. We kick off our countdown with the most reliable of wedding vow idea”s – formal wedding vows.
9. Descriptive Wedding Vows
Sometimes it is perfectly alright to just give a description of your courtship. Vivid memories, experiences and lessons learnt from your shared past is more than enough to substitute for flowery language.
8. Song Mashup Wedding Vows
Get a playlist of your bride or groom”s favorite songs. Make your own compilation of the lyrics to best resemble your own romance.
7. Poetic Wedding Vows
Poetry always manages to impress loved ones and if you actually have impressive poetic skills, go pen a poem for your wedding vows.
6. Musical Wedding Vows
Similar to song mashup but here you write your own original song, lyrics, and tune to express your devotion to the apple of your eye.
5. Funny Wedding Vows
Adding humor to a serious ceremony sure breaks the monotony and keeps things refreshing and unpredictable. However, beware, if your comic styling”s are not exactly stellar, this type of wedding vow idea has the most potential of backfiring, the only reason for it not being higher on the top ten wedding vows idea”s list.
4. Thoughtful Wedding Vows
Analysis of your relationship laid out before everyone. Risky (and if put carelessly, uninteresting) but thoughts of learning from the past and using that to work towards a better future have always been a pleaser with crowds.
3. Analogical Wedding Vows
Comparing all the aspects of your relationship to the aspects of something else- be it a journey of any kind or the relationship between two animals, most popular being lovebirds. Opens up the field for creative imagery and poetry.
2. Romantic Wedding Vows
Heartfelt words blistering with passion (G-rated passion of course!). There is a reason some wedding vow idea”s are classic, this being the biggest and most cherished one of them.
And with that we have come to the numero uno on the list of top ten wedding vows idea”s.. and the winner is:-
Modern Romantic Wedding Vows
Simply for its flexibility and versatility, Modern romantic wedding vows can be an amalgamation of the finest aspects of every other wedding vows idea on this list so how could it not top them all? Diversity is beautiful, diversity combining all of its varied elements to work together to enhance love and sincerity is something else altogether. Masterpieces are made out of modern romantic wedding vows. This is the kind of wedding vow you should be going for. That”s our rock solid recommendation.
Ultimately, the choice of wedding vows ideas comes down to one”s tastes and sensibilities. Whatever you choose, make your vows something the top ten wedding vows ideas compilation would be proud of.